Monday, November 2, 2009

Random October photos

Here are some random photos from last month. Enjoy!

A friend of mine made these hats for the girls. Thanks Danyel!

Ella loves to play the Wii Fit games when I'm done with my workout. The object of this game is to keep the penguin on the iceberg, but she thinks it's funnier to have it keep falling off.
I thought I finally found a use for Wii Music, but even Ella got bored after 5 minutes. They built up that game so much... what a bummer.
I often hear Holly playing around after her naps, but this is what I walked in on a couple weeks ago. Be sure to watch for the video of this... "Light on, light HA ha ha hah ha." Needless to say, we've moved the toy box.
Holly loves doing flashcards... and Ella loves teaching her what all the pictures are. Holly's signing ball in the first picture, and right after she was done smiling for me, Ella yelled at her and said it wasn't a ball. "No, Holly... it's jacks!"
Poor Holly looks like she's gonna fall out of this thing. She also looks a little pitiful on the bus, but anytime we take her off, she runs right back over and wants to do it again. I just wish she'd smile when she's on the stuff. :o(

Ella "taking a picture" of Holly and the two of them playing catch.

Ella saw so many kids dressed up on Friday while we were out she got a little jealous. So, I let her wear her Belle dress for the evening. She loves playing dress-up!

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