I took Holly to the doctor this morning for her 18-month checkup. She's in really good health and as I thought - a little dentally advanced (thanks for the term, Mom) with her 16 teeth. About 12 are completely in, and the last 4 just broke through. If you look at the picture below, she's only missing #9 and #10.

Here's the stats:
Height = 33 inches, 90th percentile
Weight = 26 pounds 10 ounces, 75%
Head circumference = 47.5 cm, 75%
It looks like her weight was high, up until her last checkup (12 months) she was in the 75% for height and 90% for weight. She's leveling off and thinning out. And I don't think there's a place on her chart for this, but the doctor loves her eyes and eyelashes! :o)
She got 3 shots, but didn't cry until after the last one. She stopped right away too when she realized the nurse was done. Much better than Ella, who would still be whimpering in the car on the ride home. Holly's a tough cookie.
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