Happy Birthday to my little 2-year-old! I love this age and I'm so glad I get to enjoy it a little more with Holly than Ella. I was a bit busy... lol.

My Jump Place in Lake Villa, IL. Holly's finally maintaining balance and starting to jump, that is, until Ella comes jumps right next to her.

Daddy knocked both of them down.

The slides are super-quick... here's Ella wiping out.

Slide train!

Everyone had fun, even though Mommy and Daddy got a few skinned elbows from keeping the kids from killing each other at the bottoms of the slides.

Ella beat Daddy down the slide ;) And Holly escaped from the Palm Tree bounce house.


Holly likes the hamster tubes. She can't climb up high in the others with Ella, but she likes these just fine for now.

The place is big enough the kids aren't bored, but small enough you don't lose them. It's fun.

Post nap present. She seemed reluctant to get out of bed. (And the pacifier is leaving soon, just didn't want Daddy to have to deal with that while I'm out of town.)

Holly was looking at me saying, "Momma? Momma?" As if to say, 'Aren't you coming in to play?'

Her favorite part about leaving the bouncy room...

Her favorite part about leaving the bouncy room...

Post nap present. She seemed reluctant to get out of bed. (And the pacifier is leaving soon, just didn't want Daddy to have to deal with that while I'm out of town.)

A little more awake, she tears into the goods.

C'mon! Open already! It's new bedding! The Elmo room is gone, hello Frog Princess room :o)

Some shots of her remodeled room...

Both girls got a balloon from My Jump Place - Ella's popped on the popcorn ceiling 20 seconds after getting home. Holly's make it for a bit longer.

She's in between stages at restaurants... If we're in a booth, we need a booster. A table, we need a high chair. Also - do you like how she "uses" her silverware? lol
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