We left our house at midnight to get the boring Illinois and Indiana driving done before the sun came out. I waited until morning to get some pictures.

We did some research before leaving and looked up McDonald's with playplaces along the route. It was very helpful in relieving some stress from being in the car - even if we didn't eat there.
There were no other kids there at the time, so we let Holly climb around the slide. She had a lot of fun waiting for and chasing Ella.

Holly addressed her big sister for the first time by yelling, "Rah-Rah!" It has since evolved to Rel-Rah.

We drove all the way to Atlanta, Ga that first day. It was nice to leave at midnight, because we got to the hotel at 3 p.m. There was plenty of time to relax, play in the pool, and enjoy a dinner before passing out. Too bad things kept going wrong in the hotel... not with the girls, but I think I need to write a letter to them about our experience. I won't complain on here though ;)
I wish I knew that I didn't need to pack the cot, that would have saved room in the car. Holly slept with me, but she decided to take her half right in the middle. It's a miracle I didn't fall out of bed. When I got up I put a couple pillows where I was so she didn't fall out. I can't believe how well they slept in the big beds, I knew Ella would be fine, but Holly impressed me. Maybe next year the two of them can share a bed.

Still happy to be in the car. The movies and long breaks helped, but they did a really great job. Better than I did I think :o)

Lots of naps helped too.

We're finally here! The second day of driving wasn't as long as the first - we went from Atlanta to North Redington Beach. Here's the elevator ride up to the condo. Daddy looks tired...

It felt so nice to be out of the car and by the ocean... well, the gulf. Still very nice.

Holly got lots of shoulder rides. She kept darting for the water every time we put her down.

Ella knew enough to run when the water got too close. And this crane hung out with us for a while. I guess he knows people are good - they sometimes have food.