Saturday, January 2, 2010

Holly December Photos

Here are some pictures of Holly before Christmas. Now that the holidays are over I can catch up a bit. I hope to get everything updated while Daddy brews a new batch of beer tonight.
Our friend Amarah came over to play while her big brother Addison visited the dentist. The girls played really well together, Ella and Holly are only mean to each other, I guess. :o)
Here are some random shots of Holly being a goofball.
This was the first time she got up on the couch by herself. Daddy was in France at the time and I actually was on the phone with him when I heard her squealing in delight. She was so proud of herself.
Holly was not too happy being all bundled up, but she had fun once we got outside. And the chair? I think she's still used to high chairs, sitting this way feels normal to her I guess.
In order for them to leave me alone while I was wrapping presents, I bribed them with some old wrapping paper and the tubes. Here's Holly getting wrapped by Ella and then playing with the giant drumsticks.

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