Saturday, April 24, 2010

Zaat and Zat

You have to be family to find this funny, further, you have to be on Jay's side to find this really funny.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New movie!

The March Movie is up. Don't see it? Scroll all the way down, yep - right there... right above the North Avenue Brewing Company store. Got it? Good. Enjoy!

My jump place

Did I ever add this? Sorry if it's a duplicate!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ella gers her ears pierced

She was so good. We took the time to get her used to what it meant to get her ears pierced. Beyond just the look of it - we had her watch some videos on youtube of other kids getting it done, we talked to some of her friends who had it done, etc. I even gave her an "out" at the last second. I didn't want to force her to do this, but I also knew that if I waited until she was old enough to take care of them herself - I'd still supervise, so what's the difference.

It's a couple hours later and she's so proud of them. She's not messing with them or anything so far. She did so much better than I thought she would. Way to go Ella!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

I have prints of this for family if you want....

Friday, April 2, 2010

Holly's Pics from March

Here's a peek at Holly's photos from March. She's getting big enough to play in the bigger playplace area, but she didn't have the guts to climb to the top. Soon I think. That will help next year on our road trip... most playplaces don't have a great toddler area like ours.

Holly's enjoying the cupcakes her big sister helped make.

Yay! All done.

It's nice that she colors now instead of just eating the crayons. She's also pretty good with her colors. She loves to say blue and purple. Those must be her favorites :o)
Caught stealing some of her big sister's food, then back to enjoying her own.

Slurrrrrrrp! Warmer weather means ice cream!

The Elmo bed has left the room. Must to Daddy's dismay - both girls rooms are decked out in pink now.

The weather teased us for a bit there. It was nice and warm, then cooled off. I brought the slide up so they could pretend they were outside.

Mmmmm, warmed up again. Time for ice cream!
Holly looked so tiny in the bouncy house at My Jump Place!

Holly's first time painting. Of course she had to taste it. Gross.

Ella's March Pics

Here are Ella's pictures from March. Enjoy!

In the big playplace "driving" the car.

Ella models her new rain gear. The coat is huge, but it was only $10... should fit for a while.

Mmmmm, eating the cupcakes she helped make.
Playing with the bunny in Aunt Lisa's phone.

Whoops... got a bit messy from this cupcake.

Ella fell off the little foot-stool while playing and got a nasty bruise on her face. What is it with this kid and catching herself with her face?! She was fine a little while later :o)
We took advantage of the nice weather in mid-March to spend a little time outside. Ella is teaching Holly how to ride her old bike. We also spent some time at my favorite spot in Waukegan. It didn't show in the photo, but we could see the skyline that day.

Bad influence.
Chocolate ice cream goatee.
I didn't get many pictures of this, I was too busy playing with the kids on all the bouncy houses. It's called "My Jump Place", like a Monkey Joe's if you've been there. Anyhoo- it's right by my parents' house and the girls (and their mommy) had a ton of fun. What a workout!

Papa likes her with braids... ha ha ha. Here's 10! Look what it did to her hair when we took them out the next day!

Ella was supposed to be teaching Holly how to paint, but she was very involved. Holly ended up tasting the paint while I went to get more paper. Oops.

Most recent movie

NABC Store

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Big Sister

baby growth

Little Sister
