Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I recently bought an English/Spanish workbook and computer game for Ella. We're going really slowly, but she's very excited about learning it so far. We started with numbers today. Don't pay attention to her eating the sticker... I don't know what she was doing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sonny Acres

We took the kids to Sonny Acres last weekend and had a lot of fun. The weather was perfect for it. We met up with Nini, Papa, Aunt Lisa & Uncle Todd, and Corinne, Sebastien, and Ethan.

Ella didn't approve of any of the animals except the bunnies, apparently they are quite stinky. He he he. Anyhoo - we spent most of our time on the carnival rides. Thanks for all the tickets, Nini! Ella, being the pro-rider from Six Flags, used the Great America thumbs up to let the operators know she was ready to go.

I really surprised she didn't toss her cookies after this swing ride. Yikes. Ella was even nice enough to take Holly on a couple rides with her.

Ella even took me on a couple rides. "Mommy, put your hands up!"

We tried to get a family picture, but plop down 2 small kids into a pile of pumpkins and tell them to look at the camera... yeah right. Here's what we got. My favorite is the one in the cutouts, though Holly looks a little distraught.

Here's some more cutouts, I like the one of Daddy and Ella being silly, but the girls are really cute too.

Holly didn't want to leave the pumpkins, so we let her play for a minute. She kept trying to push the "button" on the bottom of the pumpkins, but it wouldn't do anything! Ha.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Apple Holler

Daddy had a day off after losing a few weekend days while in Taiwan, so we took a little trip up to Apple Holler near Kenosha. I'm not sure it was much of a hit, Ella's phrase for the day was, "Mommy, I smell something stinky in my nose."

Ella ran around and stuck her head in every one of these holes.

I tried to get a nice picture of both of them, but I think Holly found the stink Ella was talking about. Then they were distracted by the scads of kids on field trips.

Holly had a ton of fun playing on this piece of equipment... hmmm, looks just like the one she loves in the playplace. :o)

One last Six Flags...

Grandma, Grandpa, and I took the girls to Fright Fest last Saturday for one last go at the rides before they close for the season. A lot of the kid rides that they both ride have been closed for the year to make room for haunted houses and whatnot. I think I might be able to get Ella over there one more time, but this was it for Holly.

I wonder what animal Holly would pick if Ella didn't make her ride the bunnies every time?

Good big sister took little sister on the boats. Holly loved the steering wheel and Ella rang the crap out of the bell.

Here's Ella and Grandpa on the little roller coaster... they're in the 3rd car. If you look closely, you can see the dare-devils put their hands up. :o)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I know it's early...

If you look on the left side of this blog and scroll a little, you'll see a link to Ella and Holly's wishlists for Christmas. The list itself is from Toys R Us, but these toys are probably available at other stores.

Unlike the past, where Jay and I have just picked things we think they'd like and write them down, Ella and Holly have picked this stuff out. We've taken several trips to the toy store and let them play with some of the things. Ella sits with me at the computer and picks stuff out. It's fun!

It works like a baby registry, so if you get something, make sure they take it off the list. Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas!

Flour Fight!

Ella and I are making soft pretzels and just as Tina and I used to end up in a flour fight, he he - see for yourselves.

"It's snowing on you, Mommy!"
She got some good shots in, but I think I won. Finally.

Monday, October 5, 2009

End of September Pics

Holly loves putting anything in a box (then taking out and putting back) especially her huge, purple ball.
Daddy shot a pic of the little Bears fans.
She had to be held on it and didn't look like she was having fun while on it, but Holly kept asking to ride the little merry-go-round at Chuck E.Cheese. Ella got a new, and very silly, cup from there.
Waiting for the carousel at the mall, some more patiently than others... Holly was rattling the bars like she used to on her crib.
It's nice that Ella can hold on by herself, now I can take them both on.

Here's Chuck E. Ella again. And Holly being super-silly.

Holly's learning how to color with her new crayons... now if only I could get her to stop trying to eat them.

More of Holly just being silly... she's such a ham.

Corinne came over last Wednesday and we're letting Ethan borrow the Bumbo chair. Apparently, Holly was a little upset to part with it and took one last sit. Yup, she got stuck.
Here's Ethan in it... doing just what Holly did when she first got in - "Where do I rest my head?!"

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